Saturday 31 May 2008

Mariah and Nick's Roller-Coaster Romance

Nick Cannon, Mariah CareyStill no word of a honeymoon, but newlyweds Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon are planning a big blowout tonight.
A source tells E! News that the two lovebirds are renting all of Six Flags...

Britney Spears Makes Low-Profile Entrance To Custody Hearing; Is Visibly Upset During Break

Unlike Britney Spears' previous custody hearings, the embattled pop star's arrival Tuesday morning (May 6) at the Los Angeles County courthouse was punctual, and without much of the usual ballyhoo.
There were no adoring fans wielding signs of support, and as her white Land Rover sped into the adjoining parking garage, the paparazzi that have built a career of mobbing her failed to give chase. Spears arrived wearing a brown polka-dot dress, with a small sweater over the top, according to The Associated Press. At her side were her parents and one of her lawyers, Blair Berk. Meanwhile, Spears' ex-husband Kevin Federline arrived on time, in a cream-colored suit.
Tuesday's proceedings got under way shortly after 9:30 a.m., after reporters were asked to leave the courtroom, following the granting of a motion to close the court. The purpose of the hearing was to provide the court with a progress review, during which an assessment of a psychiatrist's evaluation of Spears was expected, along with a discussion of the couple's current custody arrangement.
Before the court was closed, Commissioner Scott Gordon swore all of the parties involved in, by asking them to raise their right hands and state their names. Spears simply stated her name as "Britney," at which point Gordon said he'd need "her full name." She then complied, saying, "Britney Spears."
Gordon could adjust the couple's visitation agreement, a decision he'd be asked to base on Spears' recent conduct. However, he is not expected to make any changes to the mandate, a source close to the proceedings told AP.
About an hour into the hearing, Gordon took a quick recess, during which Spears was seen outside of the court room, visibly upset, her eyes watery. While she wasn't crying in the hallway, it appears as though she may have been crying inside the court. Several minutes later, Spears emerged again, holding Berk's hand and appearing as if she had been sobbing. Gordon called for a break around 11:40, so that he could hear other cases.
Spears has been under the conservatorship of her father, Jamie, since her release from UCLA Medical Center back on February 6. Spears was involuntarily committed to the facility, so she could be treated for bipolar disorder, and was released after only a week.
Federline has had sole legal and physical custody of the couple's two sons, 2-year-old Sean Preston and 1-year-old Jayden James, since January 3, the night Spears was hospitalized after refusing to turn the children over to her ex. After failing to regain custody twice, Spears was granted restricted, monitored visitation in late February, and visited her sons February 23 for about three hours.
Since her last court appearance, Spears has seemingly turned her troubled image around, keeping a relatively low profile and even landing some well-received acting gigs. She is set to reprise her role as Abby the receptionist on CBS' "How I Met Your Mother" on May 12. Several have attributed the shift in Spears' behavior to her parents, who've taken a more active role in the singer's life in recent months.

George Clooney pays Tribute to Sydney Pollack

George Clooney has led the tributes for his Michael Clayton co-star Sydney Pollack, branding the actor/director a "class act".

Pollack died aged 73 on Monday, after a nine-month battle with cancer at his home in Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles.

The Oscar-winning star recently directed and starred alongside Clooney in 2007's Michael Clayton.

Clooney says, "Sydney made the world a little better, movies a little better and even dinner a little better. A tip of the hat to a class act. He'll be missed terribly."

And actress Sally Field - who starred in Pollack's 1981 movie Absence of Malice - has also paid tribute to the star.

She says, "Having the opportunity to know Sydney and work with him was a great gift in my life. He was a good friend and a phenomenal director and I will cherish every moment that I ever spent with him."

Pollack won two Academy Awards for the 1985 movie Out of Africa - Best Picture and Best Director.

See Also

Spalding a bass hit in Cambridge

Esperanza Spalding might have it all. At 23, she plays killer bass, possesses savvy arranger-composer skills and has a light, liquid voice. She even sings her Latin-flavored jazz in three languages. Four, if you count scat.
Spalding has enough allure to be a star. Her luminous smile is both shy and enormous, her sprite-like charm both youthful and feminine.
While her new album, “Esperanza,” is jazz/world music, Spalding has still managed to land coveted spots on two TV shows rarely friendly to jazz. She’ll appear Wednesday on “The Late Show With David Letterman,” and on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” June 11.

A child prodigy, Spalding played violin in a community orchestra in Portland, Ore., at 5, studied bass at Berklee at 17, and by 20 was a Berklee professor. For her CD release gig Thursday, an admiring crowd of friends, fans, students and peers packed the Regattabar at the first of two shows.
It was a family affair. Her mom, Tashina, sat at the CD table, reminiscing about how Esperanza, at 4, would sit at a piano, without a lesson, and make up entire songs. “I had a Mozart on my hands!,” she exclaimed.
In many ways, Spalding has lived up to her early promise. Her album is a light, often delightful batch of effervescent, Latin-tinged jazz, sung in English, Spanish and Portuguese. “Ponta De Areia,” Milton Nascimento’s magical birdcall of a love song, was one of the airy highs at Thursday’s show, with drummer Otis Brown, guitarist Ricardo Vogt and pianist Leo Genovese as Spalding’s elegant accomplices.
And yet, it is difficult to imagine pop-crossover stardom for Spalding. Her light voice is pleasing, but less than compelling. Her music is impressive, but lacks heat and excitement. Most important, Spalding does not make a personal statement with her songs. She doesn’t make them her own, at least not at this point in her still-young career.
Spalding’s songs do attain an easy, sensual flow. The crowd especially liked the inventive “I Know You Know” and “She Got to You.” The latter, an oddly joyful song of love lost, featured riveting solos. When Spalding grinned and rocked along, you could tell how deeply she felt the music. With more emotional depth, she may be a star yet.
At the Regattabar, Cambridge, Thursday night.

The OC's Barton faces four charges

'The OC' star Mischa Barton is facing four misdemeanour charges following her drink-driving arrest last year.
The Associated Press reports that, according to court papers, Barton was charged with driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, driving while having a 0.08% or higher blood alcohol level, driving without a valid licence and possession of 28.5g or less of marijuana.
Barton's attorney Anthony V Salerno said he was pleased his client was only charged with misdemeanours.
He said: "The DA's office is to be commended for treating this case the same as it would any other matter; Ms. Barton has received no special treatment."
Barton was arrested in West Hollywood on 27 December after officers saw her car in two lanes of traffic and failing to indicate for a turn.
The actress is due to be arraigned on Thursday in the Beverly Hills Superior Court.

Tim Vincent leaves Dancing on Ice

Former 'Blue Peter' presenter Tim Vincent has been voted off the skating show 'Dancing on Ice'.
Vincent was placed in the bottom two alongside Olympic javelin medallist Steve Backley as a result of the public vote last night.
Following the skate-off the judging panel opted to save Backley.
Speaking after his eviction from the show, Vincent said: "It's been fantastic. Every week has been fantastic, but I've found my level this week, everyone has been brilliant."

Cotton quits X Factor for US career

Television presenter Fearne Cotton has reportedly quit 'The X Factor' after landing a deal for a new talent show in the US.
The 25-year-old star, who has hosted just one series of the spin-off show 'The Xtra Factor', is now planning to move to the US to pursue her television career there.
A source told The Sun: "Fearne had fun working on 'X Factor' but she decided to quit while she was ahead."
"There was no guarantee she would have been doing a second series. It made sense to make a clean break and concentrate on America."
Cotton has signed up to co-host the US talent show 'Last Comic Standing' on NBC.